GMT+2 01:51


Laylac, who are we?
The Palestinian youth action center for community development -LAYLAC- is a grassroots organization that was established in 20/07/2010 as an initiative of a group of social activists and professionals interested in establishing a progressive model of social development intervention that combines both professionalism and activism with minimal dependency on the external funding. LAYLAC is registered with both the Palestinian Ministry of interior and the ministry youth and sport under the code BL-3223-S

Our vision
Our vision is to achieve long-term impact and social development at the individual and community levels through empowered youth sector in Palestine in general and Palestine refugees community in particularly. The balanced package of knowledge, skills and values rooted in the popular education and radical social work interventions would provide LAYLAC’s targets with true opportunity to become effective social and professional entrepreneurial who can lead the structural social change at the micro,mezzo and macro levels on the short, medium and long run.

Our Philosophical Orientation
Our philosophy at LAYLAC is derived from alternative / popular education and radical social work perspective, which provides the source of social / human skills, values and knowledge about the structural and systemic social change. The conventional education education serves the purposes of maintaining the current oppressive socioeconomic and political system and constructs that maintain interests of oppressors and enhance their control at the expense of the voiceless, marginalized and underserved people.

Our Values
In order to achieve the vision, LAYLAC is guided by the principles and values of social justice and human right conversations, collective action and action participation, voluntarism, diversity and solidarity, as well as by transparency and accountability.

Our Strategic Goals
Our strategic goals are derived from our vision and philosophy. We are providing equal opportunities for all targeted categories in order to engage and benefit from the different activities. We try to empower individuals, their life and skills as way to promoting community development and opportunities to manage/address contemporary life challenges in order to live in dignity and self-reliance. We believe that social awareness and the culture of voluntarism must be obtained among participants, consequently turning them into activists who work within responsible and transparent manners. Moreover, one of our goals is to empower the coordination and synergies among associations. Empowering all forms of solidarity ( locally, nationally and internationally ) that are necessary to launch local, national and international advocacy interventions, is a very important aspect we work on as to challenge all forms of social, economic, cultural, political oppression and marginalization

Our work strategies are :

Organizational structure of Laylac
LAYLAC center is directed by simplified management structure that enhances the street-level concept of management:
1. General assembly: it is composed of individuals who are admitted and approved by the administrative committee that is electing the board of directors.
2. Board of direction: it is an elected committee every two years to manage the operation of LAYLAC.
3. Executive administration team: it represents the executive director of the association and all who are hired or in charged to conduct different programs.

2021 Developed By Mohammad Ghattas Mohammad Ghattas